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Ted Barr

Ted Barr

The Work of

Ted Barr


Contact by email
Studio Location  
POB 1189
Ramat Hasharon 47111
972 5052 02060
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Mailing Address
POB 1189
Ramat Hasharon 47111
Artist's Statement
" "
Painting the celestial sky brings to mind questions of the origins of life. Thoughts of conception, pregnancy and birth evoke similar wonderment of the initial moments of life. At the moment of human conception is the convergence of sperm and ovum. In the celestial realm the “big bang” is a similar unexplained fraction of infinitesimal time that represents infinite energy in a singular space area, the elements of which are beyond human perception. Human beings are designed to grasp all reality on a very limited scale. We are limited by what our sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch can perceive. The micro cosmos is far too small and the galactic worlds are far too vast for my perception but a notion arises, a strange and enigmatic notion, i feel that there is a strong similarity if not connection between the worlds.

Since 1995 when I began painting deep space; galaxies, quasars,blue super giants and supernovas have become my models. In recent years I started to paint a new series of painting inspired by the inner body photography of Lennart Nilsson, his depiction of human formation and the fetus in the womb.

As I explored deep space and the latest images of the HUBBLE telescope, I began to recognize a similarity between the large scale formats of the universe and the tiniest building stones of the human existence.

All that exists moves. As the electron orbits the proton, the earth orbits the sun, the sun orbits a central point in the milky way. There is nothing that stands still in the universe. There is a constant vibration that is at the core essence of every movement, a vibration that has similar shape in the most miniscule worlds as in the infinite galactic realm.

In my art I try to connect these worlds. The atomic and molecular space-time bar and the star-galaxy- galaxy cluster space-time realm. I try to visualize the placements within space and the relations between celestial bodies with the emerging fingers of the new born embryo.

The main notion behind my body of works is, As above so below.



Ted Barr Andromeda
CLASS: Paintings
CATEGORY: Abstract
MEDIA: tar, acrylic and oil colors with lacquer on canvas
SIZE: 79x79inches
YEAR: 2011
PRICE: $20000USD
Ted Barr   Andromeda Galaxy 200x200cm 79x79inches 20000USD Israel Art
Brain, Embryo

Ted Barr Brain, Embryo
Brain, Embryo
CLASS: Paintings
CATEGORY: Abstract
MEDIA: tar, acrylic and oil colors with lacquer on canvas
SIZE: 63x39inches
YEAR: 2011
Ted Barr Brain, Embryo 160X100cm 63x39inches 6000USD Israel Art
Conception 4th day

Ted Barr Conception 4th day
Conception 4th day
CLASS: Paintings
CATEGORY: Abstract
MEDIA: tar, acrylic and oil colors with lacquer on canvas
SIZE: 71x39inches
YEAR: 2011
Ted Barr Conception 4th day 180X100cm 71x39inches 6000USD Israel Art
Eagle nebula

Ted Barr Eagle nebula
Eagle nebula
CLASS: Paintings
CATEGORY: Abstract
MEDIA: tar, acrylic and oil colors with lacquer on canvas
SIZE: 71x39inches
YEAR: 2011
Ted Barr Eagle nebula 180X100cm 71x39inches SOLD Israel Art

Ted Barr R I S
CLASS: Paintings
CATEGORY: Abstract
MEDIA: tar, acrylic and oil colors with lacquer on canvas
SIZE: 47x47inches
YEAR: 2011
Ted Barr R I S 120x120cm 47x47inches 8000USD Israel Art

Ted Barr detail
CLASS: Paintings
CATEGORY: Abstract
MEDIA: tar, acrylic and oil colors with lacquer on canvas
YEAR: 2011
detail Ted Barr Israel Art

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